In News

Raffle to be drawn at this event, Don’t miss out ! Buy your tickets now- see raffle page for details

Come along and join in the fun! Please help us raise much needed funds to support our rescued pets.
All money raised goes towards our large vet bills, emergency boarding and ongoing care of our pets.

We are very excited to announce that our special guest speaker on the night will be the Hon Mark Pearson, inaugural Animal Justice Party representative in the NSW Upper House.

Click here to go to our Christmas in July Raffle pageRaffle to be drawn at this event, Don’t miss out ! Buy your tickets now- see raffle page for details

HOW TO GET YOUR TICKETS- It’s quick and easy!

1.Pay for your tickets, identifying your payment by RAFFLE + YOUR SURNAME on your internet receipt.

Options (10 tickets to a book)
1 ticket $2.00 AUD
3 tickets $5.00 AUD
6 tickets $10.00 AUD
10 tickets $17.00 AUD
15 tickets $25.00 AUD
20 tickets $34.00 AUD
30 tickets $50.00 AUD
45 tickets $75.00 AUD
50 tickets $84.00 AUD
60 tickets $100.00 AUD

or BSB: 112 879 Account: 482 536 211

If paying by cheque, please mail to SPRA PO Box 361, JANNALI NSW 2012 advising how many tickets you would like to buy. and advising your contact details.

2. Email your receipt to the Raffle Ticket Co-ordinator,
The Raffle Ticket Co-ordinator will email you your raffle ticket numbers. If you would like your tickets posted to you, please advise your address at time of emailing your receipt

Registered ticket sellers who sell more than 20 books of tickets before Friday 24 July 2015, will be eligible to receive a Coles Group & Myer Gift Card to the value of $50 which will be posted to them within 10 days of the raffle being drawn.
Can you help us by selling some tickets?

Please email the Raffle Ticket Co-ordinator to advise the number of books you would like, and your address for posting. Return your tickets and payment before 5pm on Friday 24th July with the form at this link.
Tickets Sold Form
Raffle Rules (Terms & Conditions)

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